Suresh’s story

Man smiling sitting in front of an orange background

Hi, I’m Suresh, and I’m 4 safer online experiences for ākonga.

My family and I immigrated to New Zealand from Malaysia eight years ago, and I’ve been working for N4L for the last seven — you could say they’re my second family!

I really believe in the phrase ‘service about self,’ which I learned from my parents, who I watched helping other people my whole life. I was so inspired by the positive effect that mentality had on everyone around them that it’s become my personal motto and my guiding star in both my life and my work. I feel it a lot raising my children and watching them grow, as well as in my work and the impact that we make. A strong ethos like that can be powerful in the way it filters across every aspect of your life.

Working with technology means new challenges are constantly arising, like puzzles you have to crack. I love it, and it makes for a dynamic place to work. Mostly my job entails helping project manage the process of taking ideas and implementing them throughout our school network. Since I started, the vibe has only ever been one of collaboration and kindness, and I love how that’s continued over the years.

The magic thing about this work for me is seeing my children learn with the very technology we help connect them with — to see first-hand the difference it makes to their learning and the imagination it unlocks is a special experience.

I truly believe if we connect all Kiwi kids and support them to have a happy life by providing safer and more reliable internet connections, the possibilities are endless. It’s a collective effort and one I’m proud to be a part of.

If you liked Suresh’s story you can read more on our careers page.