Sian Willicott, N4L Client Manager

Following the recent announcement of N4L’s partnership with Vector, our team have been busy visiting the 50+ schools using Vector fibre, to offer them a connection to the Managed Network.

Even though these schools already have fibre connections they’ve been very eager to take advantage of the fast and predictable connection N4L are offering, and I’ve been welcomed with open arms!

As a lot of the Vector schools have had fibre for some time they’re used to the faster connections fibre offers and many have rolled out BYOD within their schools already. They’re looking forward to having a connection that can handle the increasing traffic going across their networks. However a few of the principals I’ve met with have spoken about having to hold off deploying BYOD because they were unable to invest the extra funds required to ensure a good experience for their students, so their new fully-funded N4L connection is going to allow them to make big changes. The beauty of N4L is that once they’re using the Managed Network they’ll always have enough bandwidth to support what they are doing online and their connection can grow as their technology use does.

I’ve loved hearing how excited the schools are about coming over to N4L and how they are looking forward to having a team behind them dedicated to supporting schools in this area.

Schools using Vector are the same as almost every other school I’ve visited over the past couple of years. They’ve been working things out on their own for so long it is such a pleasure to be able to say we’ll take care of this for them and reassure them that they are in good hands. Technology in schools is so important these days that the connection has to be one they can trust.  

I also can’t wait for this group of schools to experience the quality service N4L’s support teams provide. The Provisioning and Helpdesk teams doing a great job supporting schools through the process of moving to N4L, and then looking after them once they’re using the network, and they have additional support from our engineers too. These teams all work together to deliver the best possible experience and do what they can to constantly make our services better and better, and it is one of the most appreciated things I get thanked for when I’m out and about.

I look forward to catching up with these schools in the new year to see how they’re enjoying their new connection.