Introducing our Safe & Secure Internet

Introducing our Safe & Secure Internet

As we all look forward to the festive season and wrapping up what has been an eventful year, we’d like to reassure you that we’re taking care of your school’s online safety and security – so you have one less thing to worry about. 2020 has been extra...

Schools digital-ready for online exams: N4L review

A review of more than 200 secondary schools shows the majority are digital-ready for this month’s NCEA online exams, according to the findings of a report by Network for Learning (N4L), which is partnering with the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) to help...

Outage impacting schools in the Clutha area

Update: 4.50pmWe are currently awaiting official clearance however, we can see that schools have come back online.   Update: 1.35pmThe technician is onsite with an expected ETR of 4pm. Update: 12.19pmTechnicians have located the fault and are on their way to carry out...

N4L’s Entrepreneurship wins Innovation Award

Crown Company Network for Learning (N4L) has been recognised for its entrepreneurship and technical excellence at the Reseller News’ 2020 Innovation Awards, which celebrate leadership and innovation in New Zealand’s technology industry. N4L connects more than 825,000...
Step up your cyber defence

Step up your cyber defence

How do you protect yourself from a karate chop? You step up your game and work on your defence skills. The same goes for protecting yourself online – you step up your game to be protected from digital threats.  Today is the first day of Cyber Smart Week and the...