Outage in the Gisborne area

We’re aware of an outage that may be impacting schools in the Gisborne area. Our team are in the process of investigating and we’ll provide any further details as soon as we have them. Update: We believe this issue is now resolved. If you have any queries, please give...

Maintenance scheduled for 17 January

We’d like to notify you of upcoming maintenance scheduled for our core infrastructure. This maintenance will be carried out between 5pm – 10pm Wednesday 17 January, and schools may experience intermittent disruption to their internet connection during this...

Outage in the Waikato/ÅŒtorohanga area

We’re aware of an outage that may be impacting schools in the Waikato/ÅŒtorohanga area. Our team are in the process of investigating and we’ll provide any further details as soon as we have them. Update: This issue has now been resolved.

Ruckus Cloudpath authentication issue

Earlier today, the Ruckus Cloudpath system experienced an issue where newly enrolled devices with out-of-date version data were unable to authenticate and join the network. This issue has now been resolved, so if you’re an Equipment Replacement or Secure Access school...